She did not - but I'd read up on that even before I went to her. In fact, the reason I went to her was because I wanted to try some other non-standard means of diagnostic and treatment modes.
These neuro drugs are typically tried when one has been diagnosed with LSN (laryngeal sensory neuropathy). Most ENTs won't try this without first ruling out reflux as a cause though. If you haven't read this article (and the rest of the articles on this website, do read them): basically explains how throat / cough symptoms could be because of other causes - other than reflux and if they are due to nerve damage, then neuro-drugs can help.
LSN can give you LPR like symptoms.
Other than LSN, another theory here is that nerve damage could *cause* reflux. Vagus nerve controls a lot of the GI activity including the LES relaxations .. and if there is damage to parts of this nerve, then the LES can start to relax at random times. I was certain that I have some form of this damage since I could not figure out why I started to reflux out of blue (I am extremely healthy otherwise, 150 pounds, 5 ft. 7 inches tall, eat very healthy, work out, used to run 2-3 miles / day and 42 years old). Plus, I did not have any cough at all (so ruled out LSN).
Anyway ... the cause of my reflux still remains a mystery since I do have a normal LES. However, thankfully my reflux has gone down considerably (it could be the diet or yoga that I do .. but it could simply be passage of time). Now, I need to see if this would ever go away entirely on its own or if I should try to see if surgery might help ...