Posted 12/28/2011 8:04 PM (GMT 0)
i cant remember if you talked about this already.....have you been scoped?
a simple, painless awake procedure called trans nasal laryngoscopy will allow your doctor to tell you what she sees from your nasal passage right down to your larynx and upper esophageal sphincter
these upper areas are the most prone to damage from periodic acid exposure, but i would point out that many of us here have hadd years of damage and have healed ! !!
lower down, the esophagus as one approaches the stomach, there is greater acid resistance, and although damage can, and does sometimes take place, as such requires much, much more and longer exposure
to check this area esophagoscopy is required which means sedation and greater expense...unless you are lucky enough to live near a teaching hospital or advanced clinic or a cutting edge practitioner that does a newer procedure called trans nasal esophagoscopy which is like trans nasal lyringoscopy except they go farther down the throat!
having these procedures wil go a long long way towards answering your questions about damage
but let me say this
worry....worry...worry... is no good for us. the mind plays a huge role in healing and i encourage you to think positively because the odds are in your favor that you will improve.
please see your doctor, get professional advice that helps you to get accurate information in the hope that it will put your mind to rest
let me also encourage you to visit the stress and anxiety forum here at HealingWell and talk to people there about how they meditate and deep breath to help relax...i read those pages often myself!
please be well
best wishes
mock turtle