Hi Grady,Congratulations! Like MMM, I was sick all day long for 5 months of both of my pregnancies. For some people the increase in estrogen is very hard to handle.
I totally agree with Bruce. You should definitely call your OB and get guidance on how to handle your reflux issues. Explain that you were on a PPI but stopped on the advice of your pharmacist. Often OBs will have very specific information that even trumps pharmacists.
Don't treat yourself in any way without getting help from your OB doc. If you need to make an appointment to get the information across, be sure to do that.
When you've been on a PPI for some time, you're almost sure to get some rebound acid when your stomach produces even more in reaction to having been suppressed for so long. That is not a permanent condition, but can make your problems a lot worse for a time. Remind your OB of this, and see what you can safely take.
Again, congratulation! What happy news.
Glad you've joined the forum!
Best wishes,