Hi Lynda,Sorry to hear about your fall. My inclination would be to wait to see the surgeon. If you jump to the hospital right away, you might not get as consistent care. Of course, if your symptom severity or pain increased substantially, of course you should get care immediately.
Maybe with some time things will settle back down. You could have caused some re-swelling and irritation to the wrap and repair site. There could be an adhesion that pulled when you fell, creating the pain. Or it could even be skeletal or muscle-related, and not have anything to do with your wrap at all.
I'm certainly no expert here, but I would think that provided you don't get any worse, follow your GP's advice and try to take it easy for a while.
There's a very good chance that with some rest you'll be right back to your old self. Take some antacid or whatever helps you feel better.
I'm sure others will be by to offer their opinions and support soon!
Hope things work out very quickly for you.
Best wishes!