Hello boys and girls i am a new member and thought i would stop by to share my experinces so far.
At 16 i was diagnosed with a Hiatal Hernia after complaining about frequent heart burn to my doc and having an upper GI done. I got the standard stuff for it a booklet telling me the types of food that will set it off, a script for pepcid. At 16 you dont have time to fool with things like this and i continued on as normal.
At 21 i was diagnosed with GERD after complaining of inability to sleep without reflux waking me up in the night during my training at Fort Knox. Another upper GI which confirmed the Hiatal Hernia and given a bottle of mylanta.
At about the time i was 25 the reflux would be so bad in my sleep i would wake up suddenly un able to breath throw myself out of the bed, violently gasping/ choking/ puking trying to clear my air way. The acid would have my throat, nose on fire. I would stand in the shower head up and tilited back trying to get my sinuses to drain the remaining acid and slowly sipping water from the shower head. This scares the heck out of my wife who used to jump up with my every time but now after 12 years of marriage is able to sleep thru it.
It went to see my doc at the time. She was very concerned and convinced i would one night drown in my sleep. She had me place blocks under the head side of the bed to elevate it a little. Put me on a Aciphex, and reglan because at this point, Zantac, Nexium, Pepcid, Tagament, Tums, Rolaids, and everything else i been trying over the years just quit being effective. Told me to lose some weight, and restrict my diet, dont eat past 6pm, sent me for a sleep apnea test, and sent me to see my first gastroenterologist.
My Gastro doc took me off the reglan and switched me to Dexilant, and set me up for my first esophagogastroduodenoscopy. My results where a diagnosis of 3 cm Hital Hernia and Barrett's Espohagus.
Fast forward to present day i am 34 now. about 3 months ago i had another esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Which confimed i dont have cancer they didnt take as many biopsy as last time and my hiatal hernia is still 3 cm and i still have barrett's. Currently i take 1 50mg Dexilant about 5pm. I eat supper no later then 6pm with no snacks after. I dont eat spicy foods, anything tomato based, no onions or peppers, no milk only dairy is cheese, and avoid other foods that seem to set the reflux off. I still get reflux once or twice a week with the occisanal major reflux like i had sunday night.
Now i will first admit i tried a food i have never eaten. It was a hamburger helper mongolian beef at about 5:30 pm. Took my pill as normal and in bed about 9pm. At midnight I awoke as i was diving out of my bed and unto the floor. I couldnt take a breath just try and suck in air but would just make this choking gasping sound. I ran for the bathroom where i started to violently cough untill i was able to force something out of my throat but still didnt feel like i was getting any air in. I could feel the major burn in my throat and nose/ sinuses. I kept coughing over and over until i felt like i was taking little sips of air in. Every breath in caused me to cough harder. I remember thinking darn this is the one thats going to kill me. My wife is sound asleep and dosent seem to notice im going to die right here in this darn bathroom and she and the kids are going to find me naked on the floor. I climbed in the shower turned the water up hot for the humidity and let the water hit me right on my neck and upper chest. My throat was on fire my sinuses on fire. I could finally breath but could feel it still draining out into my throat from above. And i stood there coughing it out over and over taking sips of water to wash down what i could for a good solid hour.
That was 2 days ago. My lungs/ back hurt everytime i cough, sneeze or laugh. Just soreness. My voice is starting to come back from the strain and acid of the whole ordeal. I have dealt with reflux for the past 18 years or so. It Sucks.