Hi Alk,Welcome to Healing Well! You're now an official member of our
Wrapped Club!
I'm glad to hear that generally your recovery has gone very well. It definitely sounds as if you've got some bloating. Another member here pointed out that she can't burp while lying down, and perhaps that's your issue. When you're up and about, you're able to burp more readily, but the lying down position doesn't allow the gas to release as easily.
What to do? I'm not sure that there's a quick fix for something like that, although if you search Cindy123, you may find some information regarding probiotics and enzymes, which helped her greatly with bloating. Another member here, birdsieslc, and Ellen C, have also struggled with bloating, and may have some good ideas.
I would urge you to relax, and realize that you've got a lot of healing ahead of you. At 3 weeks post op, you're in the infancy of the recovery period, and there is no doubt that this will resolve over time. This recovery takes 6 months for most of the healing and a full year for the rest.
I had intermittent dumping after my surgery. It was streaky...I'd get it several times in a week, then it would get better for a while, then come back. I'm sure it was related to what I ate. My point is that this continued throughout my first year of recovery, and I figured I'd be dealing with it occasionally FOREVER. Guess what? Sometime during the second year it disappeared and has never happened again. Over time our GI tracts accustom themselves to the changes.
This recovery takes patience and trust. There are definitely some uncomfortable side effects, but, it's understandable. Your poor stomach has been stretched, and wrapped, and stitched. Your upper GI tract has undergone major surgery, so it's understandable that there will be some discomfort.
Hang in there...bloating is a problem for pretty much everyone post-Nissen, and in almost every case (except those whose wraps are too tight) it resolves on its own with time.
Again, glad you've joined us!
Happy healing,