Welcome back Bill...
and to
Denise, MMM, Joy, Bill, and above all Kitt
I am so grateful that I surfed the net and found you all.. this world is a very small place when you have the internet to bring you together from all corners...
I read something on face book yesterday that applies to all of us here on the forum...
I think we all qualify there and I know we all support and care about
each other...
BILL prayers are going out to you, get well and remember HE will not give you more than you can bear....
and JOY Praying for all of your family to run down that recovery road and you need to take care of yourself for a bit or you will be down..
DENISE.. praying that you will remain in decent health and you have a most marvelous time with grandbabies... I know the forum will keep on keeping on whether I am here or not, but just when you could use the most help.. I feel even worse....and can't hardly post at all.. no energy..
KITT.. if you read this know that I am sending healing prayers to you and I know you can come through all of this and have peace in your life...
Looking for those rainbows.....