Hi Kitt,It seems to me that side effects occur only in certain people, depending on their unique predisposition. One of the side effects of antibiotics is stomach irritation. Thousands of people take them without a single problem. I take them and I'm a disaster.
Neurological issues are often side effects of certain drugs, and it seems to me that the same rule applies. People with a predisoposition to neurological issues are more likely to have those side effects.
It's not a scientific theory...based only on my observations. Following the same line of reasoning, if you're susceptible to depression, and Prilosec has it as one of the possible side effects, you're more likely to be reactive to it in that way.
Many people can and do take Prilosec without having the least bit of problem, but it's possible that you are predisposed and sensitive to that particular side effect. It certainly makes sense to try getting off of it, or try changing to one that doesn't have that side effect (are there any?)
Very astute of you to think about this.
Good luck Detective Kitt!