First, let me say I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux in December 2011 but am not on any meds for it, just TUMS. I developed a cough in May 2012 which seemed bronchial in nature. I would cough so hard my ribs would get sore. I also coughed up a yellow-phlegm. My family doc treated it like a bacterial infection with a round of antibiotics. It seemed to get better for a few days then came back again. My doc then tried a round of Prednisone which seemed to help again for a few days, then cough came back again.
Cough drops seemed to help which defied logic that it was acid reflux cough since cough drops usually don't help.
I next went to a pulmonologist who thought the same thing and tried another round of Prednisone. Same effect. Cough went away for a week then came back again.
Next I went for asthma testing which showed I do not have asthma.
On a regular check up with my ENT, he concluded the cough was Acid Reflux related and put me on Zantac 150 twice a day. The cough seems to have gone away now.
Sometimes I would lose my voice with the cough too.
Has anyone else had any problems with chronic cough with Acid Reflux?