For nearly ten years I suffered from GERD. I rarely had the burning episodes. I dealt with it by consuming tums galore. I though I was normal.
Then it went haywire. I would feel food stick in my chest, get dizzy, and almost blackout. I coughed constantly from the acid flowing up and spilling into my lungs. I had to go mega on my medicines...Stronger asthma meds, Stronger antacids.
My doctors were scratching there heads.
Then I heard of the fundoplication from my sister whose a medical records coder. I was getting desparate and saw a GI. He told me more about the surgery and told me that he didn't think it would help my type of GERD.
I decided to do some research and found a wonderful doctor. He told me he could help me. He did the modified Hill procedure (270) that he had invented.
I'm now approaching my 3rd year of being GERD free. I no longer suffer from the choking on acid. However I discover that due to letting the acid wash over my windpipe for so long I have damaged my epiglottis. I had to go to a speech teacher to be trained on how to swallow food and drink. If I don't do my swallowing proper I will choke on the food.
I'm writing to tell you there is hope in the surgery and not to let it be too long in when you get help.