Hi Kelly,Welcome to the Healing Well Wrapped Club! You're among friends here, and there are many who've been through the same recovery you're dealing with now.
At Day 7, you're in the midst of the toughest part of recovery. Over the first two weeks, your wrap will become increasingly more swollen, causing more swallowing problems and pain. This is normal and to be expected. Once you reach peak swelling, it will begin to subside and you'll start feeling better.
As far as coughing and sneezing...if you feel one coming on, push on your belly with a pillow to provide counter-pressure. If you have specific pain areas, ice is very helpful.
If the belches are coming without your help, there's not much you can do, other than take your pain medication to help take the edge off. Avoid things that will add to the air in your stomach...no straws, no carbonated drinks. Stay away from iced beverages as they can cause spasms that are painful. Room temp water, or warm beverages like tea are the best.
Hang in there! I'm sure others will be by to offer more information and support.
It'll get better! You just have to get by these two weeks one day at a time!
Best wishes,