@Willovercome (btw, what is your name?)
Just based on your post, I could sense that this whole thing is stressing you out. Believe me, I could related. It's basically that we want to live a normal life without feeling "sick". We want to get that life back before we started to have digestive issues. My days are so up and down right now. If I wake up somewhat feeling normal, then I am ok for a few hours until I have my first significant meal, which causes a slight nausea. Then I am a mess until the nausea passes.
I am usually around 180lb (6ft tall) but have lost 10 lbs in the last 3-4 weeks, mainly due to loss of appetite caused by gastritis. I got my appetite back a few days ago and tried eating more normal stuff (like tuna sandwich) but having some diarrhea, which is going to make me lose weight even more. The antibiotics that I am taking for h. pylori could be causing diarrhea and I am really nervous about how my digestive system is going to be for the next 2 weeks (the duration of my h. pylori treatment).
Both your and my goal should be to be thankful that we do not have a life threatning condition and try to remain upbeat and hopeful and not get too down. The anxiety and the negativity can't help with anything. Try to eat healthy, focus on feeling good rather than the weight and come out as better people, you know? Good luck. I'll need it too.