Thanks Pat Fill.
Hi Doggbones. I am with Shaheen, but am a bit uncomfortable. I am 29 yrs old, had GERD for 5 years, and have abnormal tests with esophageal hypomotility and hypomotile LES. Despite this Shaheen says 'if your worried about
cancer, don't be", and that since I don't have Barrett's now, I probably won't ever have it.
I just can't be comfortable with that. You know, I am a white male, and I read a study where among those with GERD for over 15 years or something, the majority had Barrett's. I have had it for five years, so I don't know how he is so comfortable telling me not to worry about
I am in email contact with a few other doctors (because I am so frustrated with my condition), and they all say the same things: The risk of cancer is so low I should just let it go, my GERD isn't more serious than other people's despite the anatomical defects that are a part of it, that surgery shouldn't be undergone to help with cancer risk, but for other reasons (i.e. quality of life), etc.
Meanwhile studies show symptom duration and severity correlate to cancer in GERD patients, and I am a white male, and my esophagus doesn't work right, and I am only 29 and five years into this. So to me it is incomprehensible that I 'shouldn't worry about
cancer'. I have a wife that I want to take care of, a kid on the way, and all this stuff...and I am told not to worry.
I don't know what I am going to do, but I am looking hard at surgery now. I was told my esophageal hypomotility isn't a strong counter-indication for surgery, so at this point I am ready to roll the dice and do it. Otherwise I'll just be suffering on and off symptoms throughout every day, and be worried about
In my mind, I couldn't imagine reaching age 80 or 90 still suffering GERD and not having gotten cancer by then, you know? I just don't get it. My Dr's say don't worry, but I want to live a long life to be able to protect my family and its like these people just don't get it.
Since I rambled a bit maybe you can tell I am a bit on edge lately...