Hi Shannacul,I'm so glad to hear that things are going better. Yes, it isn't fun to swallow during the early healing stage, but it gradually gets better. Yes, yes, yes...tiny bites and chew, chew, chew! That's exactly right. Kitt's right...be sure to be sipping water throughout the day, even though you don't want to swallow. You need the liquids.
Your appetite will increase as you heal. The top of the stomach is swollen right now, and the message to the brain is, "I'm full!" You won't be able to eat much at all for a while, so eat small meals at intervals throughout the day.
Once your wrap has reached peak swelling about around the two week mark, you will start to see your swallowing improve, but don't stop taking small bites and chewing, chewing, chewing. You should do that throughout the healing stage. It takes 6 months for most of the healing and a year for the rest. Even when your swallowing improves, continue to chew things to a liquid consistency...let your teeth be your blender!
You'll always need to eat a bit more slowly and chew your food more carefully. No more swallowing chunks of food that haven't been fully chewed. It's the healthiest way to eat anyway!
Again, glad to hear that things are better!
Happy healing!