Dee,Welcome to HealingWell. When most people think of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, heartburn and acid reflux come to mind. The unpleasant sensation of heartburn in the chest and stomach, along with the sour taste of acid in the mouth, is an all-too-familiar feeling for many people with the condition. But surprisingly, you don’t need to experience heartburn and acid reflux to have GERD.
Some of the symptoms reported by people with silent GERD include:
- Hoarseness. As stomach acid comes up onto their voice box, or larynx, GERD patients may find that their voice sounds unusual — more hoarse or harsh than usual. This symptom may be particularly noticeable in the mornings, since acid is often more likely to move up the throat when people with GERD are lying down.
- Throat problems. Acid reflux into the pharynx, or back of the throat, can also cause atypical GERD symptoms. Silent GERD patients may complain of a persistently sore throat, or find that they constantly need to clear their throat. Additionally, they may feel like there is a lump in the back of their throat that won't go away, or experience frequent hiccups or a nagging cough. Patients may also report trouble swallowing.
- Respiratory problems. People with silent GERD can experience wheezing or difficulty catching their breath as a result of airway irritation due to acid reflux. GERD can often exacerbate underlying asthma and make it more difficult to treat.
Your doctor may try to diagnose your problem by treating you with a trial of proton pump inhibitors, which reduce the amount of acid secreted by the stomach. If your symptoms improve or disappear with medication, then you likely have underlying GERD.
I suspect your doctor will also recommend lifestyle changes that may include losing weight, eating smaller meals, delaying your bedtime until three or four hours after a meal, and cutting back on alcohol. If you smoke, quitting will help to significantly reduce your symptoms. You should also keep in mind that certain foods may worsen reflux, including fatty foods, spicy foods, caffeine, mint, or chocolate. If your symptoms worsen with these foods, avoid them as much as possible.
I am sure you will be hearing from other members that are going through the same as you are.
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