Ruey said...
Hi Andy-
In the beginning I thought I would never feel better again. The whole ordeal was very scary to say the least. For most of my life I have been able to eat whatever I wanted and never had any stomach issues until I took the antibiotics for those 3 months. Since then my life has changed. Like I said, it has been a long road, but if I look back to where I was a year ago when I was at the point that I was afraid to eat anything, I have definitely made dramatic improvements where now I can eat most things I want with limitations. Much has been trial and error.
What happened after you were off the antibiotics and on the road to recovery? How long was it before you saw even some improvement? I'm 3 months on and even worse now than when I started, it's so hard to put up with the constant nausea and then pain. I barely eat anything because everything seems to trigger symptoms for me, so just stick to boiled potatoes and some fish.
I also have major depression from this, I was already depressed before but this has really done me in and I'm just getting suicidal, which I'm sure is feeding into the symptoms as well and making everything the worse. I'm getting treatment for the depression but its a long road, and feel like I can't properly battle it until my physical problems start to improve. :(