Teacherman said...
Try nothing to eat 3 hours prior to laying down, I need 3 hours for complete relief. 2 is not enough when things are bad.
Also, alkaline water.
Good luck
Yeah my post mentions lifestyle changes; I've already tried both of these, and I even adding baking soda to ph 8.2 water to push it up a few alkaline notches. For more details about
my symptoms, here's my RSI (Reflux Symptom Index, 2002) scores for LPR;
Hoarsness or voice problems: 0
Throat Clearing: 4
Excess throat mucus: 1
Difficulty swallowing: 0
Coughing after eating or lying down: 0
Breathing difficulty/Choking: 0
Troublesome cough: 0
Lump in throat sensation: 3
Heartburn, Indigestion, Chest Pain, Acid Regurgitation: 2
RSI = 10
Normal RSI according to Dr Koufman and other research: < 11-15 (Source: http://www.voiceinstituteofnewyork.com/us-patients/)