Hi there im very new to this forum and have found it a great sense of help reading varuous users topics on GERD as i have suffered with it for more than 3 years whilst being stuck on omeprazole daily which is starting to be useless against this condition i have had 3 endoscopies each revealing gastritis and a hiatal hernia, after several back and forth trips to dr's and the out patient gastro clinic at my hospital i finally had a manometry test and 24 hr ph test done on the 15th of August i am awaiting the surgeon contacting me with the results.
My point to the story above is i was wondering what questions to ask the surgeon in regards to surgery is it possible to correct hernia without the wrap ? as endoscope only showed gastritis and hernia, or if here is any helpful information which others have used from this forum when consulting a surgeon over possible surgery as i realised that it is a radical procedure and can be life changing mostly for the best but sometimes it can make symptoms and daiy life worse.