I'm sure most of you are confused and desperate for answers, which is why you are here. The good news is, you have come to the right place, the bad news is....well you needed to come here. Let me start by saying, for most of us there is no magic pill, drink, food, etc.. that is going to resolve your gerd/lpr. However there are things you can do that may help with some of the symptoms and offer some relief.
Surgery....Please pump the brakes! There are those who need surgery, however just because you ate tacos and had beers all night and now your stomach feels like it is on fire doesn't mean you need surgery. This should be viewed as a last resort to resolve gerd/lpr. There are several things you can and should try first.
PPI's and H2 blockers....Yes, they are evil and bad for you but sometimes they become a necessary evil. You have to weigh the pros and cons, if you get some relief it's better to take them vs suffering and letting acid run wild.
Carafate or DGL....only coats, protects and may allow healing. It will not cure gerd/lpr.
Tums & Gaviscon....It's just a quick fix, kind of a bandaid but if you get relief it's better than nothing.
Aloe vera or manuka honey....both great stuff and may help heal damage but again they will not cure gerd/lpr.
Supplements....B vit, mag/cal, fish oil, digestive enzymes, probiotics.....all good for you and may offer some relief of symptoms and help control gerd/lpr but will not cure.
Diet.....take a good long look! Avoid spicy, greasey, deep fried, fast food, red sauce (any kind), alcohol, cidic fruits, red meat, pork, choc, soda, chips, pizza....all junk food. Some here avoid wheat, dariy, glutten as well. Try to introduce more green veggies, lean meat (fish, turkey, chicken), protien shakes...things that are good for you and easy to digest.
I hope this helps you all, as true gerd/lpr can be a life long struggle so it's very important you make changes in your life! Good luck to all of you, stay strong and have faith.