That was a great question. I had a manometry done in 2009 which was descent for Linx. This past May I went for pre-op testing for Linx and was told to get another manometry and I was denied the procedure due to poor motlity. I had only 40% effective swallows.
I went to see 2 other surgeons afte the fact and was told even with the the numbers I had I could still get a Nissen. One of them did say based on the current numbers he would probably do loose wrap. He said he would want another manometry done because these tests are never "dead on" they do change. He would also want a barium swallow just to see what the working anatomy of the esophgaus is like. So hope is not all lost.
I am waiting for November to come so I can switch my insurance policy and I will start seeing a new Gastro, get all my tests done and then have my surgeon decide which nissen to perform on me. I just hope to God that I have a good result. Some of the stories on this forum and the facebook group for nissen fundoplication is pretty bleek.