Posted 10/21/2013 11:05 PM (GMT 0)
I've suffered from GERD for around 4 years now and have been on one PPI or another for most of that time. I currently take 40mg of Nexium daily. My symptoms have steadily progressed beyond the traditional burning sensation to a "crawling" feeling in my throat to now not being able to eat a meal and not feeling like there is a giant chunk of food lodged in my esophagus. This seems to be worse with foods like bread, or raw carrots or other carb heavy stuff, in addition to the classic GERD trigger foods.
I experience this during the day, but it is most troublesome at night, where I often feel as if I cannot breathe. During these episodes, I will burp and feel food that seems as if it is at the edge of my esophagus waiting to burst out. When I throw up however, (which I'll make myself do if the sensation becomes overwhelming) either a bit of food will come up or just water. This does not relieve the sensation, but does relieve some gas which may be part of the problem.
I've tried Zantac and Gas-X both at night before I go to bed and they both worked for a period of time, but then began to make me feel even worse, like the pills were stuck in my throat too. I've lost plenty of sleep because of this and that is perhaps one of the worst effects, because it affects everything else in your life, as I'm sure many of you know.
Bottom-line: I'm 24 and my changing symptoms appear to be getting worse and worse. I had an endoscopy about 4 months ago (not my first) and my GI said he sees no serious damage, which I suppose is a good thing, but there is certainly something wrong. I know I have the option of doubling up on my PPI, but frankly, I'm tired of simply trying to suppress the stomach acid via an Rx, where it feels like my reflux is battling back harder and harder. I want to live a normal life, where I don't constantly experience these uncomfortable physical feelings and the anxiety that comes along with them.
I've researched and read here about the Nissen surgery, and it becomes more appealing each day. I've spoken shortly with my doctor about it, he said it's an option, but mentioned that it can become a catch-22 situation where the wrap is not tight enough, then too tight, etc. I also have the usual concerns, not being able to throw up, trouble burping or swallowing. I'm also concerned about the recovery time, seeing as I'm only a few months removed from college, working at a job I've only been at a couple months and planning on looking for a new one soon. But I need to do something about this.
I'm not as strict as I could be about my diet, but I avoid a lot of food, and this sensation of stuck food happens without trigger foods. Like I said before, this surgery is becoming more and more appealing, and I feel comforted reading your stories. This forum has gotten me through plenty of rough patches before, and I thank you all for sharing your experiences and am extremely appreciative of your input.
Thank you,