Hi Barb,
I had a full NF. I think mine is tighter than most that my surgeon does. His PA told me that they were unable to dilate the wrap as they usually do because of the prior TIF. So I can't burp or vomit. Before I developed reflux, I burped very little, so in a way I am returning to normal. My body does seem to force out little burps occasionally though. Not being able to vomit worries me a little. I do have Zofran on hand now and intend to keep it that way.
My surgeon did not check my gallbladder prior to my TIF. I went through the usual reflux testing (upper GI, endoscopy, pH test, manometry). I am 27 and had no prior health issues, so I think the assumption was made that I was otherwise fine. When I had the TIF in April, I hadn't had any attacks. Over the summer I had some stomach/abdominal pain that I assumed was gas related and there seemed to be no resolution except to wait it out. In about
8 hours or so, it would pass and I would be fine. Looking back, I think these may have been mild gallbladder attacks.
It sounds like you have a good surgeon who wants to be sure everything else is ruled out before any kind of procedure, which is fantastic. I hope you can get the testing over with soon and move on to a possible solution!