I had my toupet fundoplication 9 days ago.
I was told on the morning of my surgery that I had a hernia which is what I suspected all along. I believe that the hernia is what caused all of my problems which started in April.
I have got over the surgery and have been eating a liquid /sloppy diet but I don't feel symptom free. I don't think the surgery as worked. I know that people will say its early days and give it time.
Last night was really bad I ended up taking Lansoprazole to try to ease the pain but of course it didn't.
I am really worried. Is it possible for the hernia to have returned or for the wrap to have come undone so soon?
Or is it that the toupet just isn't a tight enough wrap for me.
I know I'm going to have to get back in touch with the surgeon and go through yet more tests but I'm also afraid that I won't be believed. I told the surgeon the day after my surgery that I still have reflux and he assured me that I don't but I'm sure I do.
To be perfectly honest I'm in as much pain now as I was prior to surgery.I got over the surgery pretty quickly and I had no problems with swallowing.
The surgeon I used was very good and specialises in hernia repairs but I guess that sometimes they have failures.
Has anyone had surgery and knew it hadn't worked within the first two weeks ? And if so what did you do?
Maria, I gave your thread a title.
Post Edited By Moderator (stkitt) : 11/21/2013 10:34:25 AM (GMT-7)