Hi Wilmariley,At five and a half weeks post op, you're still in the infancy of your recovery. I takes six months for most of the healing and a year for the rest. In fact, I continued to see improvements past the year mark...even past the two year mark! So take heart...it will get better, but it takes patience and trust.
Yes, you will be able to eat your pizza, and drink Coke in moderation (maybe even more than moderation...I wouldn't try it, but you could try drinking lots). The champagne could be a problem, though. My son got engaged when I was three and a half years post op, and I had two glasses of champagne in celebration. I have never had a lot of bloating issues, but I had painful bloating after the champagne. I can drink a couple glasses of soda without a problem, though.
Even though you can eat anything, don't forget to eat more slowly and chew your food completely before swallowing it. It will go a long way to protect your wrap, and help your stomach feel more comfortable. When people have stomach issues after being given the green light for eating whatever they'd like, they very often start writing about discomfort and stomach complaints.
Your stomach has been through MAJOR surgery, even though you wouldn't know it with the little slits you have on the outside fully healed. It takes time for your stomach to heal and your GI tract to adjust o the changes that were made. Hang in there! You'll be back to comfortable eating of all the foods you ate post-op. This recovery definitely takes patience. Bill, another moderator, reminds us that it's a marathon, not a sprint toward healing. Patience! It'll happen!
Happy healing,