Hello, I'm new to this site. I've been searching daily trying to find someone that maybe has the same problems I have with esophageal spasms.
I had sleeve gastrectomy in May of 2012. For the past 8 months I have been suffering with PAINFUL esophageal spasms. My surgeon thinks they are caused by GERD which has gotten worse since my sleeve surgery. For those of you that may not know what sleeve gastrectomy is .. it is a new WLS where part of the stomach is removed. The crazy thing is I can't sleep on either side. I have to sleep on my back. If I turn on my side, I WILL get a spasm and it hurts so bad. Mine are different because I don't have a hard time swallowing. They usually begin with my ears hurting, then my throat, chest(feels like heart attack), then my stomach will spasm so hard then goes around to my back. At first, I thought it was my gallbaldder. Had that removed in March. Still having spasms. I am currently taking Levsin and Levbid which I place under my tongue and it does help but my thing is I want to sleep on my side!!!
Today I had a colonoscopy. I knew that I had to lay on my side. Guess what? I had a spasm! When they woke me, it was happening. Oh my goodness it hurt so bad!! I never had these problems until I had the surgery. I've done well with the weight loss part. I've lost 120 pounds and still have 20 to go but if I had to do it over again... I wouldn't. Now.. my surgeon says.. well we need to revise you to gastric bypass because it will help the GERD and in turn stop the spasms. I don't think that is the case nor do I want to have another WLS!!! I've done all I'm going to. I'm thinking that my vagus nerve was damaged in the first surgery. I remember having little spasms right after surgery when I would swallow but it finally went away. Then these started. UGH... so horrible.
My questions is does anyone on this forum have spasms while laying on your side at night? If you do, have you found out what causes it? I'm looking for any help I can get. I'm at the end of my rope. I hate to think that I have to live with these things forever. I keep hoping they will go away but nothing is helping really. They also hit me during the day. I can be at the grocery store and all of the sudden my ears will hurt and bam!! A spasm! I start to panic and then I have to put the Levbid under my tongue to stop it.
Please help someone!! I need some answers so awefully bad.
Thank you and I'm so happy I found this forum.