Hi JessiT,Your surgeon is concerned that you might get food stuck at the wrap site. Soft foods makes it easier to ensure that this doesn't happen. Here are a few diet resources you can check out:
http://www.preopguide.com/PostFundoDiet.html http://www.upmc.com/patients-visitors/education/nutrition/Pages/diet-after-nissen-fundoplication-surgery.aspx http://www.nissenfundoplication.com/nissen-fundoplication-diet https://healthonline.washington.edu/document/health_online/pdf/Esophageal_Diet_After_Surgery_3_11.pdf My surgeon told me to eat "anything that could be chewed to a liquid/creamy consistency". My teeth were my blender, and from Day 6 post op, I was given the freedom to pick and choose my food. I took small bites and chew, chew, chewed them until a liquid. If something didn't chew completely, I didn't swallow it. It allowed me a huge amount of food variety, and worked just fine. Actually, some crispy foods chew more easily than soft foods. Toasted bread chews to a liquid really well, while bread clumps and sticks.
Caffeine and chocolate are fine after a few weeks, but start slow, and see how your tolerate them. Listen to your body, and follow its lead. It has undergone major surgery, and it takes six months for most of the healing and a year for the rest. Patience!
Happy healing,