Hi Alex,Welcome to the Healing Well
Wrapped Club!
You're definitely in the right place. At four weeks post op, you're in the very early stages of your recovery. The feelings you're describing sound totally normal. It takes a full six months for most of the healing to occur, and a year for the rest. So at four weeks, the symptoms you're experiencing are to be expected.
It's likely you still have some swelling at the wrap site, so foods will have problems getting through the wrap. Be sure to take small bites and chew, chew, chew, chew your food. Also, take sips of room temperature water or warm tea. Each swallow helps push the food through the wrap. Medication can also get stuck at the wrap site, so be sure to drink plenty of water after taking it.
When things get stuck at the wrap site, it causes esophageal irritation. The esophagus is a dumb organ that interprets all pain as reflux. When foods/medications sitting at the wrap site "ferment" and cause irritation, the message your brain receives is "reflux!"
The burps you're experiencing are a good thing. I remember during my recovery (I'm 5 years post op now) I worried that the burps were an indication that my wrap was too loose. That was not the case, though. My surgeon assured me that air can be released by the wrap without allowing acid through. If you're anything like me, those burps have a mind of their own, and burps happen without your control. This is normal. Being able to burp is a definite bonus, as you won't have as much uncomfortable bloating.
It's totally normal to worry that your surgery has been a failure. I expect nearly everyone has those scary thoughts running through their heads at your stage of recovery. You don't have a thing to worry about
. It' a challenging recovery, for sure, but if you can surrender to it, and follow its lead, you'll do much better. You can't rush healing, no matter how much you'd like to. Your body will heal in its own sweet time. Listen to your body...it has been through a lot!
Again, glad you've joined the forum! It's a great place to receive information and support from others who've "been there, done that"!
Happy healing,