Hi cw1305,Welcome to the Healing Well
Wrapped Club!
Glad you've joined us!
While I'm not certain I'm interpreting what you're saying correctly, it sounds as if you've got an extremely tight wrap, or a lot of swelling causing it to be tight. That would explain why things are likely getting stuck at the base of the esophagus--being held back at the wrap site, and why you're "vomiting" it back up for relief.
It makes sense that you're back in the hospital, to get some relief from discomfort and especially to get liquids into you via IV. Occasionally, someone's wrap swells an extreme amount, which keeps them from being able to eat or drink. I'm glad you're under medical care, so you can receive the proper help you need.
I will say it's not wise to make yourself vomit, once wrapped--especially at this stage of recovery, no matter how much discomfort you have. Once you've had the fundoplication, you should always carry anti-nausea medication, just in case you get a stomach bug or vomiting episode. During early recovery, especially, the wrap is adversely affected by the amount of pressure is caused by vomiting or retching.
Be sure to ask your doctor or surgeon for anti nausea drugs, just in case you need them. I have a script
for Zofran, which works on less severe nausea, and one for Compazine suppositories, which works best when you're having an all out stomach bug. It stops you from vomiting repeatedly.
The hiccups are a very common and painful symptom post-Nissen. I believe the cause is irritation to the diaphragm during surgery. I didn't have the problem, but from what I've read here, it can be brought on by drinking something that is too cold, and eating too quickly. I'm sure there are other triggers as well.
What you're experiencing is not typical, but it happens occasionally. Hang in there. You're in the midst of the most difficult part of recovery, and you're experiencing more difficult than average symptoms. If you can "keep the faith", and make it through the next couple weeks, you should find things getting better.
Sorry you're having to deal with this!
Glad you've joined us. I'm sure there will be other members stopping by to welcome you and provide support and information.
Very best wishes!