Pat Fill said...
Hello robokot welcome to our forum. While we aren't doctors--reading your comment makes me want to say "see another doctor" for another opinion. Please get copies of all your test results and notes and take them to a new doctor. Even make an appointment to see a surgeon to see what he thinks. It doesn't mean you have to arrange surgery but learn from a different perspective.
Do you have the bed raised. Have you stopped eating acid stuff like tomatoes, spices, garlic, peppers, chocolate, vinegars, citrus. Beer, alcohol, carbonated beverages etc. this sure helps.
Others will be here shortly with suggestions that helped them. We want you to feel better as this is an awful illness that affects so many of us. We wish you the best. Kindly. Pat
Thanks for the advice. I don't eat any of the stuff mentioned above, what gets to me is that even when I'm on a strict diet of foods I get symptoms and it makes me depressed. I also tried going without certain types of foods - like avoiding dairy, grains etc.. but I can observe no correlation.
Sometimes I get so fed up I would end up drinking a coke or eating chocolate to make myself feel better and strangely enough, my stomach also feels better. But it's not always like that, and I can feel bad after eating stuff I've considered rather safe and vice versa.
I definitely know that strong spices, garlic and fried foods always trigger me so I haven't had any for years.
It's really rather puzzling, as I'm not overweight and also generally try to lead a healthy life.