Hi Andy,Your decision to switch to mashed potatoes is an excellent one. Yes, rice is going to be irritating, especially brown rice. It's good for you, but not for your stomach right now.
I hate to be depressing, but we are talking about
months here, not weeks for healing. For some reason I don't understand, healing G.I. tissue takes a long, long time. I wish it wasn't true, but it is.
Each incident that I had, would take 2 to 3 months to heal. And that's if you do everything right. You are not likely to see any improvement with the Carafate, until much longer than a few days. It takes consistent use, and consistent care to put only smooth things into your stomach. Stick to smooth bland foods, and drink plenty of water if you can.
Are you taking a PPI? It is best to use the highest dose you're allowed during this time, (if you tolerate PPI's) as you will want to keep the acid in your stomach at a minimum. You should consider adding Zantac at bedtime as well. During those times when my stomach is irritated/gastritis, I take 40 mg of protonix twice a day, an hour before breakfast and hour before dinner, then 300 mg Zantac before going to bed, until things heal. Your stomach will need all the help it can get.
Hang in there, you will get this healed. But it takes time and patience. Do your best to get four doses of Carafate in each day. It was a drug that was developed to coat the stomach and protect it during healing of ulcers, so even without ulcers, it will give you some protection. It is just one more tool in your healing tool box. Good luck! You can do this!
Take care,