Hi everyone,
This is my first post to this forum and I look forward to interacting with you all!
I was diagnosed with GERD two years ago when I was 23. I had an endoscopy which found I had a "loose GE junction" and hiatal hernia. The specialist and my family doctor prescribed nexium 20 mg once a day with antacid supplementation as needed. I found that over the last two years my symptoms have been greatly improved - I rarely ever used any antacids and the single nexium a day suppressed any reflux. I had even been regularly eating trigger foods from when the condition first started - coffee (albeit decaf), cranberry juice, salsa, Indian food, etc.
I recently resolved to try and be more fit/active in my lifestyle, nothing major but just little things like walking instead of taking the bus or doing stretching exercises at home. Last weekend I tried doing ab crunches for the first time and a few days later I noticed that my heartburn symptoms had worsened for the first time in two years. I am back to my "home remedy" symptom management plan of eliminating trigger foods, sleeping with my head and shoulders elevated, antacid and gaviscon when necessary, eating small meals and taking an extra nexium (morning and evening).
I guess my question is: Has anyone else found that these sorts of exercises can exacerbate symptoms? I'm concerned now that I may have made the hiatal hernia condition worse by the pinching/crunching motion of the workout and am going to see my doctor ASAP to see what she thinks. Has anyone ever suffered a serious setback like this because of a similar exercise?
Thanks and have a great day!