An update: I am now sitting with a ph monitoring sensor stuffed up my left nostril. I've had better times but I'm not uncomfortable as such.
The manometry was unpleasant but that was all. After much gagging - which was almost certainly induced by my concerns rather than the procedure itself - the catheter was inserted and the test began. I write this as an antidote to my previous descript
ion. The fundoplication meant that I didn't vomit and, more to the point, the manometry used the new high resolution technology. This means that that once the probe is in place it stays in position and there's no necessity to move it up and down to get the readings. Additionally, and this is important, the catheter is now very much smaller than it used to be. I was told that they routinely now use a paediatric catheter so it's really quite manageable. Don't get me wrong: this isn't a fun activity, it's not a day out with jelly and ice-cream but neither was it worthy of the levels of anxiety and apprehension to which I had submitted myself. My other concern, the potential of causing damage to the wrap, was airily dismissed.
Anecdotally, my experience of coming off PPIs for the last week has been surprising. Having taken a daily dose for the last five years or so I expected some rebound. The first few days were not great but apart from odd sensations I wasn't really aware of reflux during the day. Night time was more of an issue but it has had the effect of making me reduce my portion size. I have never eaten a lot in one sitting but it seems that a side plate is a reasonable amount - little and often is the key.
So, no ranitidine or Gaviscon tonight - could be rough as I'll also be sleeping flat for the first time in years - wish me luck!
Post Edited (Gord-on) : 8/19/2014 1:45:27 AM (GMT-6)