Hi, I too am suffering excrutiating spasms after having the surgery in early March where they found that my entire stomach had migrated to my chest area and had twisted for some time. The spasms occur every 3/4 weeks without warning or pattern and without medication do not go away. I am taking Buscopan and have now been given oral morphine for when the episodes occur. I have not been given an explanation of why this is now happening, but after the initial recovery time indicated of 6 weeks and then 12 weeks, am undergoing investigations as to why recovery has not happened. I generally feel unwell and am also having severe diarrhoea episodes as many others seem to be suffering. These mainly occur after eating "raw" foods such as salad and fruit items. A friend found this website for me as I was beginning to worry that the surgery had failed, but it has been reassuring to see many other people are also having problems and not recovered to schedule. The success stories give hope for an eventual return to normal life at some time in the future. We all just have to hang in there.