I was diagnosed with Crohn's many years ago. A couple of years after surgery I started to have Reflux and heartburn problems. My GI put me on an acid inhibitor (Prevacid is the main one), I also had heart tests run and they seemed to be okay. It's not everyday that I get the burning in my esophagus, but when I do, it's awful.
Yesterday, I had a tomato sandwich and was throwing up this morning, but not stomach contents, but watery bile. Sometimes I get a splash of mucous backing up in my throat, my throat looks red most of the time. Sometimes my voice is weak, does anyone get that? I always thought it was from a lowered immune system, now I'm not so sure. I also get a high pulse when I am experiencing the burning in my esophagus. I read that it isn't necessarily palpitations but the spasming of the esophagus that can make it seem like palpitations. Usually only lasts a minute or so, but frightening nevertheless. The doctors never were able to find out for sure what causes it, but were pointing at the heartburn. At times, I also have a constant pain that can last several hours in the right under rib area or towards the mid, that radiates to my back. Could that be gastritis? I did have an ulcer before. Can they come back?
Sorry, if this covers a little too much, but I sure would like to hear from others who feel really sick as a result of GERD.