Posted 11/20/2014 7:35 PM (GMT 0)
I am really confused if what I have is just IBS or something more. I have been having lower abdominal pain, in the pelvic area, for a few weeks now. It started off as cramping, like period cramps, then started to become burning pain. I was tested for a UTI but it was negative, as well as had a pelvic ultrasound which came back normal. The pelvic ultrasound was extremely painful, I cried, and it caused me more pain..the tech was pressing hard especially on the side, my hip bone, my pelvic bone..and since then I've been having bone pain.
This past year I've had an H pylori stomach infection which left me with heartburn/acid re flux. I am on the PPI dexilant. I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy and both were normal. I was having pain on my right side throughout the year and kept thinking it was my gallbladder was nothing was shown in the ultrasounds or X rays I had for that.
I went to the dr today she thinks I may have gas in my intestine. I have been bloated. I'm 28, 4'11'' and 93 lbs so bloating is noticable and uncomfortable for me. I don't consider myself to suffer from constipation but if I don't have a BM for a day or two I do feel more pain. I asked her about endometrosis, she said probably not because it's pain just before and during my period. My periods are normal. I have not missed one in five years, they are not heavy, I get cramps the first day but if I take Tylenol they go away so nothing serious.
My dr hasn't suggested a CAT Scan. She prescribed me lax a day, said try it for a week, and see what happens.
What should I do from here?