Hi Chuck,Welcome to Healing Well! It sounds as if you've gotten great medical care, and have selected the right surgeon, which is the most important piece of the surgical puzzle.
I'd never heard of Collis Besley. I looked online to see if I could find information, and here's a link to an explanation, for those reading this who, like me, are clueless:
www.hon.ch/OESO/free/Vol_5_Eso_Junction/Articles/art243.htmlIt sounds as if you have a short esophagus, as that seems to be the reason it's done. We have several members here who've had paraesophageal hernias, so I'm sure they can provide you with some great information.
Here's a link to my early recovery journal, so you can get an idea of one person's experience post-op. I had reflux-exacerbated asthma, which is why I needed the surgery, so just ignore those references.
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=45&m=2183443 Here is some information about
early eating requirements. I expect your surgeon will have his own information, but this will give you a ballpark idea. Also, keep in mind that with your specific surgical requirements/issues, your experience and eating expectations in the early weeks may vary from the "average".
www.oregonsurgical.com/patient_prep_gerd.htmIf you get into some "Dumping" issues, which is common during recovery from stomach surgery, here's information about
a diet that can help:
gicare.com/diets/anti-dumping-post-gastrectomy-diet/Keep in mind that the early weeks of recovery are challenging, so don't get discouraged. Your wrap will become increasingly more swollen over the first two weeks, then once peak swelling is reached, will diminish, and you'll be on your way.
If you can surrender to your recovery and follow its lead, you'll do fine. Give your body permission to heal in its own sweet time! Go with the flow...
I expect another member will be by to provide you with support and information soon. It's a busy time of year, so don't be discouraged if you don't hear from someone right away. Just post on your thread, and it will pop to the top of the list.
Glad you've joined the forum!
Best wishes,