Hi, I'm preparing for my Lap Nissen surgery. I'm very stressed because my dr. told me 5 weeks ago I need to have on the surgery day 210 LB. When I saw her first time i had 237 LB. I told her is impossible that in 5 weeks, to loose 27 LB. Now I still have 3 weeks and I'm stack on 230 LB. I'm on diet, 1200 calories, going to fitness everyday. I want to know is a standard procedure that say you need to have 210 LB?.
I fight with GERD since 10 years, now in the last they decided that the best is surgery, I was happy when i heard, because I hoped to finish with coughing, choucking, and not sleeping nights. The single thing I could eat was bread, because took my acid. So now I don't know what to do, i'm very concerned.
Can you help me with some thoughts?