Posted 5/8/2015 10:04 AM (GMT 0)
Hi all,
I'm new to this site.. Im 28, female- been struggling with gastritis from the beginning of the year from drinking a dodgy fruit drink i made myself.. right after i drank it i suffered with the worst heartburn ever as i mustve immediately damaged my insides..
I went to the doc, he gave me Nexium so i started taking it.. not long after I began experiencing what he calls the "globus sensation" where it felt like i had something constantly stuck in my throat like a big lump. This was very irritating. Then the sensation changed to a feeling of having a burp stuck in my throat... then a few months later the heartburn continued and gave me a new symptom of a nauseous feeling in my throat where i felt the need to gag/retch and this could happen any time of the day or all day. this feeling started after about a month on nexium. I thought the nexium was causing this sensation as a side effect so i have tried numerous other PPIs such as Nizac, Ranitidine and Pariet but the nausea/retching symptom is persisting.
Now my heartburn seems to have improved (although i am still on pariet) but i have been left with a horrible heaviness / tightness feeling around my throat. Best way to describe it is a feeling of my scarf being too tight around my throat so i find myself always pulling my scarf away/pulling my jumper out and away from my neck. I feel nauseus (not from the stomach only around the neck) all day long. I feel like my throat is too tight and only get relief when i eat or drink. I also can gag/retch at any time of the day which is the worst symptom of them all.
I would like to know if anyone else here is experiencing the same issue? As in - the reflux seems to be under control but now you are left with a horrible feeling of choking/tight throat/gagging/retching on a daily basis? I also find that when im at work i feel it the worst as the days stresses trigger the throat sensation to be worse than if i was at home. (possibly because i could be sub-conciously worrying about it)
I have had numerous tests which are all fine. barium swallow - perfectly fine, xray - fine, gastroscopy only showed "mild gastritis" but nothing to worry about as the doc said. I was considering a pH/manomertry test but i dont think its worth it as my biggest frustration is now the throat sensation.
I am tired of coming home crying every day after having to deal with these sensations all day long at work.. I have to be strong all day and by the end of the day I am so tired of being strong... i just want to crash and let go and cry. During the day the tightness and nausea makes me think that i will gag/retch in front of someone at any time. And holding the retch back can be so irritating because its wanting to come out but at work you cant go retching in front of others! its horrible and I hate it so so much.
I am desperate to get rid of this...
At the moment, all I can think of is that the gord/gerd has splashed up too many times into my throat causing irritation to the spasms which has now set them off permanently. I really believe this is the case with me.
Lots of websites say these symptoms can be from anxiety. After considering this seriously I honestly dont believe its anxiety. My job is not stressful at all- its quite the opposite. nothing in my life is stressful and I have never been an anxious person in my life.
what i find is that the irritation caused to my throat with the spasms, is making me upset which in turn causes me to become anxious that they will never go away. That anxiety then makes the feeling much worse - neck tighter/more gags/retches.
I have read posts on cricopharyngeal spasms and i think this may be the issue. I just wish there was a magical way to stop these spasms from occurring without having to consider things like botox injections into the throat OR living on pills such as diazepam. but then on the other hand i wish there was something that would take them away permanently so i wouldnt have to live off lollies and sipping water constantly.
Does anyone else share my frustration and hopelessness?........ Thanks for reading my thoughts......