I am 32, healthy weight, non smoker, eat a pretty good diet, work out, do all the things I should be health wise. I started having very bad reflux from my previous occasional cases. I was on omperzole, it worked ok, then not well. After that I switched to nexium, after a week it worked well. I take 40 mg nexium (two 20 mg OTC) in the am 30 mins before breakfast, the ranitidine 300 mg at night. Before the nexium kicked in I was having reflux 24/7 with relief no matter what I ate, didn't eat, or do. The nexium took one week to work, and then I had two weeks of great relief.
Then nexium stopped working, I admit I started to get more laxed with my diet, nothing crazy. It went from very strict to a treat here or there, but I never drink soda which is my biggest trigger. I had a small brownie four days ago, and it is back to non stop pain. It is a constant burning starting at where my ribs meet and going up. I have a scope scheduled for later. I called my doctor to ask the nurse if that was normal, and she said no. She had the doctor call in sulcrafate and I am taking it four times a day. Nothing is helping now, I am back on a really strict diet, I sleep in a recliner, even gaviscon doesn't even touch the burn anymore.
I am starting to get worried. Does this seem really bad, or is this par for the course when it comes to GERD?
Post Edited (sagen) : 5/20/2015 10:56:33 PM (GMT-6)