So I have been really sick for the past two weeks, vomiting probably upwards of 30 times. I began to recover last week around Thursday from whatever virus I had. However, when I recovered from that I found that I could no longer eat, and could barely drink. I constantly feel like there is a hand gripping my neck right around my collar bone and I feel like I am choking. I haven't eaten in 48 hours and I cannot sleep. At night I get these terrible spasms that start in the mentioned area and they go down into my chest. I am in so much pain and I am so terrified that my throat will close and I will not be able to breathe. I tried to drink some warm chamomile tea this morning and even IT barely went down:(. I am going to call my GI doctor as soon as he
opens this morning, but has anyone else ever dealt with the feeling that they are constantly choking? I'm losing my mind:(.