Posted 2/3/2016 8:49 PM (GMT 0)
Back in June 2014, I got diagnosed with mild gastritis after being an idiot and quitting omerprazole suddenly and not weaning off like the Doctor recommended.
I eventually started on Pantoprazole 40mg, carafate liquid, and a heavily modified diet that August after finding the natural route just does not work for me. By December I started feeling better. Into 2015 I had success with some setbacks. I realized in the summer what helped me get better the first time around was carafate in the pill form over liquid. Sure enough when I switched over, I noticed my stomach got even better. I would occasionally get pain but nothing like before.
Anyway after 3 solid months of no issues. I noticed this past early January I got this tight pain right below the base of my neck, along with problems taking deep breaths. I think all the stress from dealing with my ex-fiancé over the holidays set it off.
It continued to get worse to the point of the pain would ripple down my arms and legs. My stomach pains came back even worse. Finally, I researched and realized that maybe Pantoprazole longer worked for me. I had many samples of Dexilant left over when I was trying to decide with my Doctor which PPI I should use.
I started Dexilant this past Friday and by the end of the day the tightness/pain in my neck and back area were gone! I can now take deep breaths as well now.
Unfortunately a lot of my stomach pains are still there, not as severe but still there. Pains in areas I have not had since August/September of 2014. I guess I am starting over then.
I would be lying if I did not feel defeated and frustrated. I know I will get better but I felt like this year my life would no longer be hold and now it is again.