Hi Folks,
I have a kinda longer story of experiencing gerd-like symptoms. It began out of a sudden in form of spasm-like pain in the stomach area, esp. after drinking beer after heavy meals. However, I had never experienced heartburn (in the sense of a rather mild burning sensation in the chest). In progress of time, the spasm-like chest pain occurred from time to time, apparently correlated with (i) heavy meals, (ii) beer and (iii) several hours after heavy meals (typically the latter occurred a few seconds after swallowing salivary). These pain events still exist; now the pain radiates also in the throat (it feels like as if the tonsils hurt) and jaw, even in the ear. However, I only rarely experience heartburn and most of the time (typically very strong) chest pain and heartburn are not correlated.
Besides that I developed LPR symptoms in form of pharyngitis and pnd.
Do the symptoms conform to gerd? Did anyone experience similar gerd signs?