I had an appt with my homeopathic dr today (via phone since she is not here in town). She told me that I am cutting down my prilosec too quickly. She says I need to take up to 5mos to come off of it!! Man!! She said if I go any quicker than that, the acid rebound will be more than I can handle. She is also adding something called mastic, slippery elm and marshmellow root. She says castor oil packs will also help with pain.
I cant believe all this. Im in soooooooooo much pain today, I could just die!!!!!! Im burning up everywhere too. I really hope this stuff helps!! My poor GI tract cant take much more.
She also has me continuing digestive enzymes. I was taking aloe juice and she told me I couldn't take whole leaf aloe, that I had to take something else but now I dont know which kind to take??