Posted 8/25/2019 11:04 AM (GMT 0)
Good morning everyone. I was doing some reading this morning and I was led to your site. I was impressed with answers I was seeing, so I thought I'd share my year so far.
Brief history. In February I had sinusitis that cleared, or so I believed. I reported in March to my Dr and he prescribed an antibiotic to hasten the clean up, which he believed was still lingering. After completion of the antibiotic, I was still having some nasal drainage, so he prescribed Astelin nasal spray due to Spring conditions and I picked it up.
In June, while still on the Astelin nasal spray (1x daily), I began to get this annoying dry scratchy "lump in the throat" and/or stuck popcorn kernel feeling on my tongue. It could either be the left side or right side. It was always about as far in as you can get your index finger, but nothing would clear. Sometimes the symptoms would include an inflammation sensation as well that included the back of the throat. The dry mouth and dry throat feeling is one that no amount of water can quench. My wife begged me to stop the Astelin. I did.
By July the feeling would still come and go, so I brought myself back to the Doc. He referred me to ENT, which now I still wait until September for my opening. Meanwhile at the same exam he gave me a whole head and neck check and believed he saw indications of thrush at the very back of my tongue, but he couldn't see much further with just a depressor and gauze pulling my tongue. He prescribed a Nystatin swish for 7 days. Feeling would still come and go.
Now more recently... Quite randomly two weeks ago, on Monday I had a symptom free day and on Tuesday the "lump in throat" sensation returned within 30 minutes of eating a boring mustard and turkey sandwich I made that morning. Discussing with my wife I realized the day before I hadn't eaten any wheat or gluten. I began a food log and contacted the Doc again. He brought me in that Friday for a food allergy panel which I had to wait a week for.
My log show that if I stayed away from wheat the best I could, I seemed to have a pretty good day, but could still have the sensation of a lump in my throat, but much milder usually by the end of the day. Morning always seems to "reset" things to normal. Dry mouth and dry throat typically the same. My immediate reaction is to drink, drink, drink and I can keep myself up at night emptying all that water if not careful.
The allergy results came back two days ago and I was cleared for wheat and nothing showed for a gluten problem, but oddly enough I learned I was on the High side for Cashews! Something new learned, but doesn't help this present annoying issue. He gave me a referral for an Allergist and told me to keep the ENT appointment in early September.
So that's where I am. No pain. No suffering. Just annoying as heck. My coworker believes I may have GERD symptoms and what I am feeling is stomach coming back up the pipe. This would be new to me. I wait for ENT.