Kbaca said...
I am having the same problems wheezing, cough, shortness of breath. I’ve had asthma since childhood but it was fairly controlled up until about 3 years ago. I am being treated for asthma with breo, spiriva, singular, and xolair. None of this is greatly improving my asthma I recently had a 24hr pH study with a manometry test, which came back as a positive for reflux, my GI is recommending I have a 360 nissen in order to stop the reflux. I’m worried if I have the surgery it might not help and just cause more problems than I currently have. Mind you I’m only 26 and this greatly affecting my health.
Sorry for what you're going through. I just had the manometry test and 24hr monitoring a couple days ago..hopefully will get results pretty soon. I'm concerned about
potential surgery as well. I don't know that I'd wanna go that route if they recommend it. I'll keep everyone posted..