I will appreciate the information and your experience regarding the efficacy of LINX and if it takes some time (weeks/months) before you stop feeling heartburn?
I am a 50 year old male (BMI still over 30) and had issues with Heartburn and GERD since I was in my twenties. I was on PPIs (Oemprazole) for last 15 years with occasional flareups and esophagitis. Had to take tums/Gaviscon as well in between. For last few months, my maximum dose of Omepazole started failing me and I finally got the LINX done two weeks back. I was told by my surgeon (Kaiser - California) to phase out the PPIs in stages, cutting down to half in the first week and then to 1/4th in the second week and then stop. I was fine with no heartburn in the first week immediately after the surgery with half of the PPI dose. I was really happy that the procedure seemed to be effective. Then as soon as I cut down the PPI to 1/4th on the day 8th, the heartburn started. After struggling with it for two days, I started taking the second dose again, but the heartburn persisted and it did not go back to the first week level. Now I am taking additionally two Pepcid also to augment Omeprazole but still have to take Tums/Gaviscon in between.
I am pretty sad as it seems like the LINX is not working for me or is it too early to conclude?
I read one post here that someone's Heartburn stopped after two months post surgery. That gives me hope. I will really appreciate your experience and opinion if LINX takes some time to get better? Can it get better with time? Will a further reduction in BMI make it better? My surgeon is on leave for one more week before I can talk to him, and I am very worried with my results.
Please share!
God Bless!