Since I have had this problem, I have noticed what I will call micro-burps
Burps that seem to happen when shifting position or changing body posture.
These burps seem to be related to heartburn feelings... and they are tiny
murmurs of gas releases.. and totally uncontrollable.
I noticed that If I try to burp.. I don't feel anything related to discomfort..
but if the microburps happen.. definintley there is an afterhock.
Also I can "load" a burp.. and it will stay put until I release it.. which you would think
if the LES is faulty it would immediatley blead off with a micro burp.
So I said Okay and pushed on my stomach like crazy to see if I could elicit
the micro-burps.. and I could not. This leads me to bieleve that the LES is intact
and it's more of either an inappropriate relaxing response "Like a nervouse twitch"
Or it has to do with posture changes that elicit a relaxation.
What do you think?
I wonder if this experiment that I am doing is part of a GI test?