I almost feel dumb asking this, but does anyone elses GERD just go away? The doc diagnosed me with it just on symptoms, no tests. Some days I can eat anything I want to, and be perfectly fine. One day I ate a bowl of spicy chili, got a headache and laid down.. and no problems. Another day I eat a piece of pizza and lean back a little to read and WHAMMO instant chest pain, belching.
I've been keeping a record in my head, and there is no "common" thing. No anxiety, nor extra pain on the days I do get it. I've eaten cheeseburgers while out for lunch.. and been great. Then one day, I can do it and hate myself for the next three hours. Just out of the blue.
Is this really GERD or just plain old heartburn attacks? Or is there any difference at all? This really does bug me, as there are no foods to "avoid", or things to do differently to stop it from happening. I don't take a daily med for it, just pop some rolaids, or zantac, whichever I find first.
Thanks everyone!