Hi Hamie,
Since I was thinking I had IBS, then Celiac, now Crohns..maybe..but after all this, I now after my CT Scan, I think I have a problem with my Colon (narrowed Distal illeum) is what the doc told me today,along with Enlarged,Multop;ele Lymph nodes in my Groin area....Oh oh, Too Much information.....So I might need surgery...anyway...Don't know where you live but TRADER JOES MARKET had a Low acid coffee. I think maxwell house or folders now makes a Low acidic Coffee too. I stopped the coffee and alchohol because of my abdominal pain,but through this website I heard that the darker the bean, the less caffein, and the less acid you digest. SOOOOOOO..I drink Dark Roast,or Sumatra,Exspresso even and haven't a problem....yet.
I know what is is NOT to wake up with a good cup of mud,but pleeze be careful you don't over do it and harm yourself or get uncomfortable.
Sorry I haven't been much help. Take care, Jim