I posted once before, how I was diagnosed with GERD in 2001 through the barium test, and I was 21, I was diagnosed with Lyme this year. Now I'm on Tetracycline, for the Lyme, long term, and it's made my acid reflux even worse.
I began to have a pain near my ribs on the left side and had large amounts of phlegm. I went to the doctor and was given an antibiotic for a chest infection. The phlegm did not stop. My throat still feels like there's something stuck in it. Pain in left side of upper abdomen persisted. They pushed and poked on my stomach. X-rays were taken. They saw nothing except for some calcification crystals, and they thought they saw something and asked me if I'd had any barium lately. I said no, but I did drink a dye contrast in April for a CT scan to check for ovarian cysts (I had none) but still, that was way back in April. So nothing became of it. They took blood to check CBC, liver and something else, maybe the pancreas? I asked, "What is in this spot?" indicating where it hurt. Doctor said stomach mostly, part of kidney, that's about it.
I made my GI doctor appt recently and still have over a month until I can go in.
Anyway, do any of you GERD sufferers ever get left sided pain? Could it be an ulcer? Do you get phlegm ever because of GERD?